Get started: Press and hold Ctrl To pull up the tool bar. Short cut keys are Shift (File) , L (level), and right click (Edit). Those three actions allow you to perform every action in the program.
In edit mode:
Use the arrow keys to move the selector.
Press space to create a wall object quickly at the location of the selector.
Right click on an object to edit it, you can change the color of and delete objects if wanted, some objects have multiple editing options.
Right click anywhere else to pull up the options menu in order to edit your creation.
Press shift to toggle edit mode/play mode, and create new, save, and load games. Press the L key and access the (rather simple) level manager, you can flip through the levels here. If there is no next level then it will be automatically created.
RGC stands for Randomly Generate Creations. You can use this to create levels in 1.07 seconds at normal speed. Then you can change the level to your preference.
Play mode
In play mode your creation will come to life.
Once you go back to Edit mode everything will jump back to their place.
If you beat the level you will go to the next level and hope into Edit mode.
Player controls are W, A, S, and D.
Player 1 can not fight, but Player 2 shoots at the mouse when you left click and walks towards the mouse.
Editing objects, music, and other things is not possible in Play mode.
In edit mode:
Use the arrow keys to move the selector.
Press space to create a wall object quickly at the location of the selector.
Right click on an object to edit it, you can change the color of and delete objects if wanted, some objects have multiple editing options.
Right click anywhere else to pull up the options menu in order to edit your creation.
Press shift to toggle edit mode/play mode, and create new, save, and load games. Press the L key and access the (rather simple) level manager, you can flip through the levels here. If there is no next level then it will be automatically created.
RGC stands for Randomly Generate Creations. You can use this to create levels in 1.07 seconds at normal speed. Then you can change the level to your preference.
Play mode
In play mode your creation will come to life.
Once you go back to Edit mode everything will jump back to their place.
If you beat the level you will go to the next level and hope into Edit mode.
Player controls are W, A, S, and D.
Player 1 can not fight, but Player 2 shoots at the mouse when you left click and walks towards the mouse.
Editing objects, music, and other things is not possible in Play mode.